Discovering Under-Dusted Areas in Your Home

Regular dusting is at the core of any homeowner’s cleaning routine, as these contaminants accumulate quickly on all possible surfaces. In your pursuit of a healthy and safe living space, you probably wipe surfaces and vacuum and mop the floors and carpets meticulously to remove any traces of these tiny intruders.

But how certain are you that you’ve covered every nook and cranny? The truth is that even the most detail-oriented among us tend to overlook some under-dusted spots where these insidious particles lurk quietly.

So, where is dust hiding in your household in Lisbon, CT? Well, we’re glad you’ve asked, as professionals who offer first-rate house cleaning services will help you find out today. Read on!How often is it normal to dust your house

Where is dust commonly found?

Houses are usually filled with dust, accumulating on surfaces and in the air. Dust collects in the following places in homes:

  1. Shelves, tables, countertops, and other flat surfaces attract a lot of dust. 
  2. Chairs, sofas, beds, and other pieces of furniture accumulate dust, especially in crevices and fabric folds (these can usually go unnoticed as we concentrate on visible parts of our belongings).
  3. Pillows, mattresses, bedding, pillowcases, blankets, and duvets harbor these invisible particles over time.
  4. All your electronic devices are ideal dust particle hotbeds as they have tiny crevices where these pollutants get stuck. Remote controls, keyboards, and consoles are also perfect hiding places for these pollutants.
  5. Dust tends to settle on floors and carpets. Carpet and rug fibers are magnets for all sorts of impurities, and hardwood and tile floors aren’t immune to dust accumulation, especially the baseboards and corners.  
  6. Vertical surfaces (walls, windows, and window frames) also conceal these contaminants.
  7. Air ducts and vents can gather dust that can circulate throughout your house when you turn the HVAC system on.
  8. Ceiling fans and all kinds of light fixtures collect a lot of dust.
  9. Children’s toys and books are dust havens. That’s why it’s essential to teach your kids not to leave them scattered all around the room, as cluttered spaces tend to hide more dust than uncluttered ones.
  10. Out-of-sight areas (behind and under furniture and large appliances) usually attract dust, as we usually skip them in our cleaning sessions.

As you can see, dust reaches every corner of your household. The only way to get rid of it is to apply a comprehensive approach that will cover all possible dust hideouts. But if you’re too busy or a senior who can’t reach all dust-ridden areas, don’t hesitate to rely on professional help since nothing is more significant than creating a safe home environment for you and your family.

How often is it normal to dust your house?

How often you should dust your house depends on several factors, including your space’s size, what furniture and appliances you have, your lifestyle and preferences, etc. Ideally, you need to cover all the areas at least once a week, but here are some things you need to consider:

  1. If your family members spend most of their time in some parts of your home, these areas deserve more attention as they’ll attract more dust. These usually are living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and commonly used surfaces.
  2. In case you or some of your family members suffer from allergies or have certain respiratory diseases, you’ll need to dust a few times a week to minimize allergens present in indoor air.
  3. If you have furry or feathery pets, you should wipe surfaces more frequently to prevent pet dander and hair circulation and accumulation.
  4. If your house is an area with high dust levels, you’ll need to clean surfaces more often as dust particles can enter your house through the ventilation system, doors, and windows.
  5. If you live in an arid climate, more dust will circulate outside and get into your household, so you’ll have to tackle this chore more often.
  6. If your house abounds with fluffy carpets, upholstered furniture, many ornaments, and electronic devices, you’ll have to devote more attention to dusting. lisbon ct house cleaning services

Where in Lisbon, CT, can I book dependable house cleaning services?

Removing dust from every corner of your household in Lisbon isn’t as straightforward as it initially seemed. You need a systematic approach and a well-devised cleaning strategy. Luckily, Orchid Maids offers outstanding house cleaning services throughout the area.

Visit Lisbon Meadows Park and relax with your family and friends, and forget about dirt and grime in your home. Top industry professionals will handle everything for you in no time. Schedule an appointment now!

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