5 Tips for Helping Kids Develop Cleaning Habits

One of the reasons you’re struggling to keep your home clean is that you need to do all the work yourself. To make matters worse, you’re not the one who’s causing the bulk of the mess; it’s your kids instead. They’ve come to an age when they can pull their weight around the house, but they just don’t want to pitch in.

Like with any other cleaning-related problem, your trusted maid services have a solution. We’ll show you how to contain the mess in your home in Lisbon, CT, by making your young ones help you out. Keep reading!

What age should kids start cleaning up after themselvesWhat age should kids start cleaning up after themselves?

Kids can start cleaning up after themselves as soon as they turn 2. Chores they can do at this age include putting garbage in the bin, picking up their toys, and placing their clothes in the hamper. Once they’re 5-7 years of age, they can start sorting clothes, making their bed, and clearing their desk. 

What to do when a child refuses to clean up?

Whether you’re too tired to deep clean your place or simply don’t have enough time to tackle all those dusty surfaces in the house, recruiting your kids will be a great way to make chores easier. Take these tips to make them more motivated to clean up after themselves: 

1. Show them how to clean 

If your child has never cleaned or decluttered their room, they genuinely might not know how it’s done. That’s where you come in. Rather than let them randomly pick up stuff, show them exactly what you expect them to do. 

For instance, if you want them to put away clothes, pick up a garment or two and store it in the hamper or closet, depending on if it’s dirty. Your child can take over from here, now that you’ve set an example. 

2. Don’t ask them to do everything at once 

Many kids refuse to clean their rooms because they’re overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. Parents often make things worse by telling their children to clean the place at once, which is counterproductive because they simply don’t know where to start. 

To avoid this, tell your little one to clean one part at a time. For instance, they can fold clothes first before picking up their toys and throwing out the trash. Breaking down large tasks into bite-sized pieces will make them more motivated.

3. Turn chores into a game 

If you have at least 2 children, you might be able to get them on board by setting up a game. Have your kids compete against one another to see who can clean their room the fastest or put away the most items in 5-10 minutes. They’ll have fun and be more excited about future chores. 

4. Include rewards 

Acknowledgment goes a long way in keeping your kids eager to clean. This can come in the form of a simple kiss, hug, or something like a new video game or toy. 

5. Don’t be too harsh 

Some parents resort to punishment when their kids don’t want to clean. While this can be effective, it’s important not to be too harsh. Instead of taking away their phone for a month, tell them they’ll get it back as soon as they do their chores. 

What to do when a child refuses to clean upNeed premier maid services in Lisbon, CT? Give us a call! 

Teaching your kids useful cleaning habits is great, but sometimes, even your little ones need a break from chores. You should also cut yourself a little slack and lay off housework whenever you want to go on a camping trip by the Quinebaug River or bond with your children otherwise. 

The only question is, who will clean your property if you’re not around? Orchid Maids are here to help you out. 

We’re the top-rated cleaning provider in Lisbon and the surrounding areas, offering all kinds of services to keep your place pristine. From mopping and dusting to vacuuming and purging toxins from your home, we’ll go to great lengths to scour your house and free up your schedule. All it takes to make it happen is a quick call. Reach out to us today!

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