17 Easy Steps Toward a Toxin-Free Living Space

To hide from outdoor pollution, people usually seek refuge within the walls of their homes. You probably do the same thing, as your living space makes you feel relaxed and secure. But how safe is your household, really? You regularly hire house cleaning services from Lisbon, CT, to deal with the dirt in your home. But is it enough? Are there any other dangers lurking around your home that you aren’t aware of? 

Whether we think about it or not, the surfaces we touch daily, the air we breathe, and the products we bring into our homes are essential for our health. A toxin-free living space can be achieved through simple and practical steps that can enhance the quality of your indoor environment. Want to learn what they are? Keep reading to find out more! efficient house cleaning services in Lisbon

What can I do to keep my house clean and safe?

You need to harbor some good habits to maintain a tidy and safe home environment. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Clean and disinfect all surfaces regularly. Accumulated dirt and germs can significantly influence the quality of your home life. For this very reason, create a maintenance schedule that will help you keep all rooms hygienic. Pay special attention to risky zones like kitchens, bathrooms, and high-touch areas. Finally, clean the interior of appliances as necessary. If you lack time, you can always hire professionals to do everything for you.
  2. Reduce clutter. Don’t let your household overflow with unnecessary items, as these will be magnets for dust and grime. You’ll need to inspect your belongings frequently to see what needs to go.
  3. Keep chemicals in their original containers away from your kids and pets. If possible, go green and only buy eco-friendly cleaning agents.
  4. Wash your laundry regularly and deep-clean your washing machine and tumble dryer to minimize mold and microbe development.
  5. Invest in additional storage units to keep your belongings well organized. This will prevent any safety hazards and debris build-up.
  6. Install carbon monoxide and smoke detectors and check them regularly. 
  7. Keep a first aid kit and emergency numbers handy so you can react quickly in case of an accident.
  8. Seal all gaps or cracks to keep pests outside your home. Also, make sure to store food in closed containers in a fridge.
  9. Regularly examine sockets and switches to make sure they function properly. Check if there is any water leakage or any other potential hazards. Address any issues before they escalate.

How do I get rid of toxins in my home?

High levels of toxins in your house can threaten your family’s health. To eliminate them, you should pay attention to the substances you use within the confines of your living space and incorporate a few valuable practices. Here are 8 ways in which you can remove lethal chemicals from your home:

  1. Keep your home well-ventilated to allow fresh air to take away hazardous contaminants.
  2. Avoid VOC (volatile organic compound) products (cosmetics, cleaners, adhesives, paints, etc.) since they can damage your respiratory system and cause serious illnesses.
  3. Buy houseplants to neutralize possible dangerous substances and increase indoor air quality. Plants ideal for this purpose include peace lilies, spider plants, and snake plants. 
  4. Synthetic fragrances are present in many scented candles and air fresheners, which may release unhealthy chemicals. Instead, buy essential oils that boast antiviral and antibacterial properties and aromatherapy effects.
  5. Don’t use pesticides to control pests. There are safer and more natural ways to do it. Use traps, seal cracks, and regularly clean and disinfect your home.
  6. Avoid plastic as much as possible, as it may contain phthalates and BPA. Glass, stainless steel, and ceramic containers are more eco-friendly.
  7.  Always opt for natural fabrics for bed sheets, clothes, carpets, curtains, and other items around your home. 
  8. Be mindful of the products you buy for your household. Read the labels carefully and ensure you understand all the ingredients to make the right choices.What can I do to keep my house clean and safe

Who offers efficient house cleaning services in Lisbon, CT? 

It’s challenging to keep your household in Lisbon spick and span, especially if you are a senior who can’t tackle all the chores or if your kids avoid taking responsibility for the mess they make. But don’t go hard on yourself. That’s why Orchid Maids are there for you. 

We understand that dusting, wiping, and moping aren’t particularly inspiring activities, so we strive to help our clients by covering all the tedious chores for them. Schedule an appointment and let professionals do what they know best while you and your family relax by the Shetucket River. Reach out today!

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