In What Order Should You Clean Your Home?

What order do you clean your houseAs any homeowner will tell you, cleaning is a tiring, boring, and extremely time-consuming household chore. At the same time, you’re basically forced to do it to keep yourself and your loved ones from getting sick and your home from turning into a pigsty.

So how do you make your cleaning easier and more efficient? Using professional maid services in New London is one way to do it, but is it the only one? Yes and no. While you’ll still have to roll back your sleeves and spend some time with a mop in hand, there are ways to optimize your cleaning that will at least make it take less of your time and effort.

We previously gave you some pointers on how to motivate yourself to clean your home. Now we’ll discuss the order in which you should clean and disinfect your place to minimize the amount of energy and time you spend cleaning. Read on to learn more.

What order do you clean your house?

When cleaning your home, the last thing you want is to make repeat trips to the laundry room, needlessly lug bulky cleaning equipment around, or deal with the most difficult types of cleaning after you’re already exhausted.

With the above in mind, consider doing some or all of the following:

Start with the dirtiest areas

You want to be as rested as possible when you tackle the messiest rooms. This will make moving heavy clutter and dealing with stubborn stains feel less taxing. What’s more, the rest of the cleaning will feel much easier and a lot less demoralizing than it otherwise would.

Finish one floor before moving on to the next

Carrying a vacuum cleaner or a bucket full of water up and down the stairs isn’t something you want to do any more than is absolutely necessary. By cleaning your house floor-by-floor, you’ll be making your cleaning less exhausting overall, especially if you split the cleaning responsibilities between you and your spouse.

Clean adjacent rooms

Follow a logical order when choosing the next area to clean. For instance, if your bedroom is connected to a hallway, which in turn leads to the bathroom, clean them in that order. Don’t do the bathroom first, then the bedroom, and then the hallway.

Prioritize the most sensitive areas

In most homes, the bathroom and the kitchen are the two most important rooms when it comes to cleaning. For this reason, you should always make sure those two areas get the cleaning they need even if that means not cleaning the other rooms as thoroughly as you might want.

Focus on touchpoints

Touchpoints, or frequently-touched surfaces, are any items or surfaces that regularly come into contact with naked skin. Because of this exposure, they’re more likely to be contaminated with viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens, and should therefore be prioritized when disinfecting your home.

Common household touch points include:

  • Handles
  • Doorknobs
  • Light switches
  • TV and AC remotes
  • Toilet seats
  • Desks
  • Tables
  • Countertops

Where can I book high-quality maid services in New London?

In What Order Should You Clean Your HomeThere’s nothing more demoralizing than coming home after a long day at work or school, only to realize your place could really use an in-depth cleaning. The good news is, you don’t have to do everything on your own!

Here at Orchid Maids, we’d like to help you reclaim your free time by taking care of your cleaning needs for you. No matter how messy your house might be, you can rest assured it’ll be squeaky clean by the time our cleaning experts are done with it.

Book your cleaning today and enjoy a fun and educational afternoon at the Custom House Maritime Museum in New London while the pros make your home shine.

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