Cleaning as Meditation: What You Need to Know

Constant lack of time, multitasking, and frustration due to the inability to do what you really like can make housekeeping stressful. We all have been there. But did you know that you can practice mindfulness and effectively meditate while doing your chores

Meditation is a mental process in which practitioners focus on a single object, thought, or activity to achieve a stable mental state. Traditional meditation techniques can be applied to a wide variety of activities, including, believe it or not, cleaning, which can become a meditative practice when done with full awareness.

So, how can you free your mind of racing thoughts and focus on the present moment while cleaning? Professionals who offer house and apartment cleaning services throughout Salem, CT, share 9 tips with you today. Read on!

How do you practice mindfulness while cleaning

Can cleaning be a form of meditation?

Meditation involves focusing your mind on any activity you’re doing at the moment. Here are 4 tips on how to meditate while tidying up your living space:

  1. Try to pay attention to every movement you make and sensation you feel. It can be anything: the way you wring your microfiber cloth or the pleasant cleaning agent scents. Also, notice the textures and colors of surfaces you need to deal with.
  2. Don’t let your thoughts wander. Instead, be mentally involved and focus on the present moment as if it’s the most significant one in your life. Scents, textures, and different shapes around you can help your mind to engage in the task at hand fully.
  3. Some meditation techniques rely on repetitive mantras or actions to ease the mind. Likewise, repeated movements, like mopping, sweeping, and rubbing, may have a soothing effect on your mind.
  4. Breath is of crucial importance for meditation. Do your best to synchronize your cleaning movements and breathing. This will help you anchor your mind in the present moment.

How do you practice mindfulness while cleaning?

To practice mindfulness while cleaning, you must be mentally engrossed in the activity. Here are 5 tips for incorporating mindfulness into your household maintenance routine:

  1. Before getting down to business, you need to set a clear intention for the cleaning challenge you need to tackle. It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated. Simple goals will suffice (for instance, making your countertops organized and hygienic or decluttering your bedroom). With this aim in mind, strive to discover pleasure in the process.
  2. Pay attention to your breath. First, take a few deep breaths to find a sense of calmness. Then, while you work, don’t hold your breath. Instead, find harmony between your movement and breathing. Inhale and exhale rhythmically and enjoy the sensation of oxygenating your body and being present in the moment.
  3. Find sensory pleasures while cleaning. Textures, scents, colors, and sounds connected to cleaning activity can help your mind stay peaceful.
  4. Don’t rush while cleaning. Think about the chore and resist the urge to wander away mentally. Notice all the movements you make and pay attention to every detail.
  5. Feel grateful and get rid of any judgmental thoughts. If you label scrubbing, vacuuming, and moping daunting,  you’ll soon lose the sense of tranquility you’ve been striving to accomplish. As soon as these thoughts emerge in your mind, stop them from clouding your meditative experience. Redirect them and focus on the task at hand again. Also, practice gratefulness by acknowledging the effort you invest to create a healthy environment for your family.

Can cleaning be a form of meditation

Who offers dependable house and apartment cleaning services in Salem, CT?

Cleaning and meditation, no way! You’d rather meditate in nature and forget about mops, vacuum cleaners, dust, and grime in your messy house. Well, with Orchid Maids, you have a choice: you can automate your home maintenance without any hassle.

We offer reliable services in Salem and cooperate with well-trained industry professionals who use advanced technology to make your home spick and span. Enjoy your free time at Gardner Lake State Park and leave your home hygiene to the top specialists in the area. Book an appointment now!

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