How to Deep Clean Your Home Fast

How long does it take to deep clean a house?Every once in a while, there comes a time when you need to turn your house upside down and sanitize every nook and cranny. All of the things we don’t take care of as part of regular cleans, such as light fixtures, require some TLC from time to time. Don’t put this off because the longer you wait, the bigger the mess will be.  

Simply find out what the best methods to deep clean quickly are, roll up your sleeves and get to it. Or, if you prefer relaxing while the work gets done by a seasoned professional, hire a good Norwich, CT deep cleaning service. Make sure that your home is totally hygienic by giving it a deep treatment.

How long does it take to deep clean a house?

If you’re planning to give your residence a thorough clean, you must be wondering how much precious time it will take. The exact amount of time you’ll need to spend cleaning to get a sparkling home depends on several factors. Some of these are:

  • The size of the home
  • The number of bathrooms
  • Window number and size
  • The type of flooring
  • The amount of furniture
  • How dirty the house is
  • How many trinkets you have around the house

In general, a team of four cleaning experts will deep clean a 1000-square foot area in one hour. This speed comes with their experience and training. However, don’t expect the same results if you’re working on it alone, without expert help.

What is the fastest way to deep clean a house?

Heavy-duty cleaning is done more rarely than regular cleaning, so it probably doesn’t prey on your mind as much. However, when it comes down to doing it once or twice a year, it can give you a real headache. Deep cleaning requires skill and attention to detail, not to mention time. So, can you at least make it less time-consuming?

Here are some expert tips to finish your cleaning sooner without compromising its quality:

  • Make a checklist: You’ll be less likely to get sidetracked if you follow a set plan. Create a list and check off each item as you go.
  • Invest in life-saving gadgets: Reliable household electronics, such as a high powered vacuum cleaner, can considerably reduce the time spent cleaning. 
  • Prepare cleaning supplies: Have all the necessities at hand. Include baking soda, white vinegar, a broom, brushes, dish soap, sponges, gloves and other must-haves.
  • Declutter first: Get the mess out of the way before the actual cleaning and disinfection take place. Clearing out unnecessary knick knacks will help you focus.
  • Go top to bottom: Start with the ceiling, ceiling trim, and lights. Proceed with the walls, windows, and skirting boards. Finally, clean the floor. Follow this pattern in every room, keeping in mind the areas you should never miss when you clean

Also, check out the answers to other common cleaning and disinfection questions, like what household surfaces to disinfect daily and what are the blunders people often make while cleaning. Always protect your health while you clean by wearing gloves and washing or sanitizing your hands later, following the FDA’s guide on Safely Using Hand Sanitizer.

Where can I hire a dependable Norwich, CT deep cleaning service?

What is the fastest way to deep clean a house?Would you like to get all the benefits of deep cleaning without the responsibility of performing it yourself? Let the professionals at Orchid Maids look after your home’s cleanliness for you. Book an appointment and simply wait for our crew to arrive at the designated time. Then leave deep cleaning to us while you take a stroll in Mohegan Park absolutely carefree.

Booking our services is easy. Use our online platform to access top-quality cleaning at affordable prices. We show our appreciation for our clients’ trust by offering a variety of discounts and providing premium results every time. Contact us and work with the best!


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