A Brief History of Cleaning Products & Supplies

How did people clean before chemicalsWith cutting-edge technology and a vast array of products and supplies on the market, it’s difficult to imagine how we would manage without them. However, not too long ago, our ancestors had none of the things we use today, and you can’t help but wonder how they kept their places hygienic. 

Today, you can easily book your favorite maid in East Lyme, CT, or the neighboring communities and forget all about the tools, supplies, and techniques that are best to use. If you’re interested in finding out what people used throughout history to keep their places clean, keep reading. 

How did people clean before chemicals?

While water is definitely the first ever substance people used for cleaning, the notion of soap has quite an early appearance in history as well. Although it went a long way, soap also lay the ground for the development of modern supplies.


The importance of hygiene had quite a fluctuating existence, starting from the earliest times with empires such as Roman, Greek, and Egyptian. These nations found a way to mix different substances to get soap. However, the very first trace leads back to 4,500 years ago when Babylonians recorded its use on a clay tablet. From that point on, various references to soap include both recipes and instructions for use. 

However, after the fall of the Roman Empire, it seemed that people forgot about keeping their environment and themselves fresh and clean, resulting in about 1,000 years of terrible hygiene and a couple of deadly plagues.

It wasn’t until late 1600s that cleanliness found its way back and manufactured soap bars became available, along with promoting campaigns. From this point on, various products started to emerge on the market.

When was the first cleaning product invented?

The soap had a wide application, and people used it for personal hygiene and to wash their clothes or wipe different surfaces. In the late 19th century, more specialized products started to emerge:

Liquid soap

At the end of the 19th century, a man named Caleb Johnson made the first liquid soap. He used the oils of palm and olive, so he decided to call it Palmolive. It was so popular that it became the name of the company. Later came the first household liquid soap made of pine oil, so the name was Pine-Sol.


During WWI, the supply of animal fats was running low, so there wasn’t enough of it to make soap. That’s why German chemists created a cleaning product made of synthetic ingredients. The result was the first ever detergent.

Laundry detergent

In 1943, Procter & Gamble improved the formula of their soap flakes which used to make both color and white clothes grayish. The new formula was Tide which became so popular that stores limited the amount each housewife could buy. 

Where can I find reliable maids in East Lyme, CT, and the area?

How do I clean and sanitize my garageIf you’re not sure whether you’re doing your upkeeps the way you should and taking proper care of your safety, or you’re out of ideas to make your home maintenance hours fun and need someone to do it for you, reach out to Orchid Maids. We use time-tested methods and our team of knowledgeable and skilled experts will be happy to customize their approach and meet your needs and expectations.

Whether your home is in East Lyme, or anywhere else across the region, we’ll be happy to take over your chores while you enjoy your time doing more important things or simply relaxing. Give us a call and schedule your appointment!

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