What Are Some Frequently Missed Cleaning Spots?

8 Commonly Missed Cleaning SpotsEvery responsible homeowner understands that regular cleaning is a staple of a well-maintained home. However, other daily duties often leave us little time and energy to focus on housework. Because of this, certain areas of the house are often overlooked during your cleaning sessions. The longer you leave them unattended, the more germs and dirt will accumulate in these spots.

Discover what areas people often miss when cleaning and start paying more attention to them as soon as possible. If you want an experienced professional to perform a detailed clean, a reliable Norwich house cleaning service can cater to your needs.

8 Commonly Missed Cleaning Spots

The number of household items that need regular cleaning can easily overwhelm an amateur cleaner. Most stick to the areas which are obviously dirty, such as kitchen countertops, the toilet and the flooring. But what about the hidden grime in your house’s many nooks and crannies? Although forgetting some of these surfaces is perfectly understandable, disregarding them every time may come back to bite you. Here are the most common areas people skip when they clean:

  • The inside of your vacuum: If you notice your vacuum isn’t working the way it used to, maybe it’s been too long since you last cleaned it. Your vacuum will run more smoothly if you clean out the accumulated dust.
  • Your oven: Grease will inevitably splatter while you’re roasting and baking. Remember to remove the build-up of dirt in your oven from time to time.
  • Your washing machine: After each use, some detergent residue is left behind. It creates a layer, which then attracts bacteria. Run a hot cycle with white vinegar and your machine will be clean again.
  • The floor under your rugs: Stop sweeping things under the rug! Though it’s okay to ignore the floor under the rug when you’re in a rush, you should occasionally clean it as well.
  • The tops of furniture pieces: Although you can’t see it, the tops of your wardrobes and kitchen cabinets attract lots of dust. Take care of these surfaces once in a while.
  • The areas behind furniture: Furniture items rarely get moved, especially if they’re big. We also seldom look behind them, so we fail to notice how dirty these spaces are.
  • Door handles: If you’ve researched what areas of the home need daily disinfection, you know that door handles are some of the most contaminated home surfaces. Considering this, it’s shocking how little attention they get on average!
  • Light switches and light fixtures: Light switches are touched by many people every day, which enables the spread of germs. Light fixtures are out of the way and easy to ignore, but they do fall prey to dust accumulation.

By reaching every corner of the home when you clean, you’ll be protecting your family against COVID-19 and other illnesses. To ensure your cleaning is always on point, learn what the fastest method to perform deep cleaning is and what can go wrong while you clean.

Where do I come by excellent Norwich house cleaning?

What Are Some Frequently Missed Cleaning Spots?Would you like to make sure that your cleaning is thorough and efficient? Taking a shortcut once in a while is absolutely fine. A trustworthy cleaning service, such as Orchid Maids, will gladly lend you a helping hand. Call us up and watch your home transform before your very eyes. While you’re taking a walk in Haley Farm State Park, every last spec of dust will be eliminated by our cleaners.

We’re sure that you’ll be thrilled with our straightforward booking, tried and tested cleaning methods and secure payment system. What is more, you’ll be able to take advantage of a broad scope of discounts we offer. Get in touch with us today. Your home will thank you for it!


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