10 Areas of the House to Disinfect Every Day

10 High-Touch Surfaces in Your Home to Clean and Disinfect Daily The global pandemic has put many people in a disinfection craze. However, even working your hardest may not be enough to fully eliminate germs. When it comes to staying safe from pathogens, the devil’s in the details. If not done correctly, no amount of cleaning can ward off allergies and infections.

Prevent common cleaning and disinfection errors by learning what surfaces should be disinfected every day without skipping. Knowing what to focus your attention on and which techniques to use, your home will stay sanitary and your loved ones’ health protected. If you’d prefer expert help instead, booking a trustworthy deep cleaning service in Norwich, CT will be a godsend.

10 High-Touch Surfaces in Your Home to Clean and Disinfect Daily

Is your cleaning all over the place? Do you waste too much time scrambling to do your chores? Spending hours on disinfection every day is exhausting, not to mention unproductive. If you put in lots of effort but you still feel your disinfecting is subpar, read on. You’ll benefit from getting to know some useful methods and pro tips on how to disinfect efficiently.

What surfaces should I concentrate on?

First and foremost, discover the top 10 areas in your home that can be real germ hubs. All of these surfaces are risky because of the one thing they have in common: they are handled frequently and by many people every day. When they are touched, viruses and bacteria are transferred onto them. Here is a list of things to keep an eye on:

  • Door handles
  • Bathroom and kitchen taps
  • Light switches
  • Remote controls
  • Computer mouse and keyboard
  • Telephones
  • Toys
  • Kitchen counters
  • Drawer and kitchen cabinet handles
  • Handheld electronics

Among these are some areas that are often overlooked during cleaning. Failing to give them the attention they require is one of the frequent cleaning mistakes that you should avoid. For example, you’ll be washing your hands in vain if you touch the contaminated tap to turn it off afterwards. Close the tap by using a towel, and don’t forget to disinfect it periodically.

How to keep these surfaces germ-free?

It is important to prevent contamination whenever you can, so wash your hands frequently and be aware of whether you touch surfaces while your hands are dirty. For example, your door handle and light switch are probably the first thing you press when you enter your house after a long day. You should by no means overlook them when you get to disinfecting.

You should always preface disinfection by cleaning. Cleaning will remove a number of germs from the surface. Then you can disinfect using diluted bleach or a store-bought disinfectant. Follow EPA’s Six Steps for Safe & Effective Disinfection. Leave the disinfectant on the surface for a proper amount of time, as instructed on the label. Make sure that you wear protective gloves during cleaning and disinfection.

Where can I find the most reliable deep cleaning service in Norwich, CT?

10 Areas of the House to Disinfect Every DayAre you wondering how to deep clean a house fast? Would you rather be exploring Fort Trumbull than doing back-breaking chores? Specialist cleaning can help take your mind off germs. The team of Orchid Maids has the knowledge and the skills to bring top-notch hygiene to your home. With us by your side, you’ll get all of the perks that expert cleaning provides, like more free time, less worry and a healthier living environment.

Whether you require deep or light, recurring or one-time cleaning, the carefully selected professionals in our crew will do their best to deliver. Make Orchid Maids your partners in the fight against dirt and germs. You won’t regret it!

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